Well, they do.

Our philosophy
Due to rampant automation and mass production, the discerning consumer is rarely able to find fine handicrafts. Misinformation is also rampant online, and due to lack of exposure the effort required to make a true piece of art goes unvalued. Also, apart from certain popular forms of handicrafts, the gems found in remote areas are disappearing from public memory.
 Each cottage industry is rooted in local geography, folklore and culture. We want to trigger artisans to design newer, functional artefacts for a globalized audience, while remaining rooted in their original ethos by giving them the cushion of time and money required to experiment.
We curate collections based on a theme each season, and try to procure from grassroot level artisans wherever possible. We believe our role as a design house is to showcase how crafts across India can be grouped in harmony. We experiment with overlapping stories, techniques, biodiversity etc to bring about something that is truly unique.
By maintaining supreme quality we hope to increase the brand value of Indian handmade products. Through our Masterpiece section, we hope to re-inculcate in the audience the awe that is now limited to old monuments, museums and coffee table books. Â These are pieces made by award winning master craftsmen who struggle to sell high value pieces and are thus forced to create low qualit,y low budget items.
Supreme quality, authenticity, and patience are the heart of what makes South of Indus.
Our Team
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