Rendered in the vibrant, GI Tagged art form of Varanasi lacquerware, this hearty sized Pushpak Vimana is a visual treat and a rare find.

The Pushpak Vimana, the most famous of all Vimanas in Indian epics was the flying vehicle gifted to Shri Ram by Ravana's brother Vibhisana for his return journey to Ayodhya after victory in the war of Lanka.
It is said that when the architect of the Gods, Lord Viswakarma was summoned to "trim" some of the light off of Surya dev because his fire was too hot, he used the runway dust from the god to create the Pushpak Vimana in the reflection of Mount Meru. This, he gifted to the powerful sage Vishrawas who further passed it on to his son Kubera- the god of all riches. Unfortunately, the Vimana was confiscated by his half brother Ravana when he usurped Lanka from Kubera.
Over generations, many artisans in many media have tried to picture what the majestic Vimana would've looked like. This is the version created by Mr. Bihari Lal and his daughter Shubhi, two major practitioners and promoters of Lacquerware from the ghats of Kashi. The duo spent one month researching skin colour, clothes, ornamentation etc from children's books, medieval iconography and TV shows during the Covid-19 Lockdown. Each wooden lathe carved figurine is made by joining together individual limbs to a central torso. Ornamentation is done later as well. The figurines are then covered with a coat of primer, sanded, and then handpainted. This piece took over 5 months to complete and is the culmination of a group effort by Bihari Lal and Shubhi's team.
The lacquerware artisans of Benares have been proficient in making idols of deities, which were used as colourful souvenirs by pilgrims visiting the city. This set includes the following characters of the epic:

Sri Ram, Mata Sita, Lakshman ji, Hanuman Ji, Sugriva ji, Angad, Nal and Neel, Vibhisana and finally, Jambavan.

The piece is made in goolar wood and can be hung from the ceiling or placed on a surface.


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